Advent Calendar FAQs

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The Twelve Days of Christmas Returns!

The Annual Advent Calendar is back - Register now to win one of 12 extra-special prizes, worth a total of £20,000!

How does the Advent Calendar Work?
From November 1st 2024 to December 12th 2024, enter your details to be entered into our prize draw to win one of 12 prizes - all togehter worth £20,000!

Everyone who enters up until December 1st 2024 will be entered into the first day's draw to win our curated prize - and for every day thereafter for the first 12 days of December! But, don't worry, if you've not signed up for the 1st draw, you can sign up after 1pm every day to be entered into each subsequent draw!
Do I need to enter each day?
No! Once you've entered, you won't need to enter each day - you'll be in the grand list from which we'll draw the winner each day for the fist 12 days of December!
I didn't sign up in time!
Don't worry! Sign up to the competition and, if before the 12th December 1pm, you'll be entered for the next day's draw!
When is each draw made?
Each draw is made at 1pm that day, with entries closing just before draw each day!

Get an Extra Entry for each Referral

Share your unique link below with friends and get an extra entry for everyone who uses it

How do I refer?
After signing up, you'll have a unique share link presented that can be shared with your friends!
Any of your friends who signs up to the advent competition (up to a maximum of 3) using your link, gains you an extra entry!
How many times can I refer?
You can refer as many people as you like to the advent competition, but, only the first 3 friends signing up using your unique link will gain you additional entries!
Does it matter how I refer them?
It doesn't! Provided they sign up directly after following your unique link, then the referral will be recorded and you'll gain an extra entry (up to 3x!)